Monday, May 18, 2009

花吃了這女孩 傅穎

芳心醉掉了 跌在蝴蝶裡面


自他送上了玫瑰 女孩漸開始變著緊
他說話很動聽 溶化了也有恨
為高興接過玫瑰 到最後卻失去平衡
甜蜜最易傷害人 而偏偏給他牽引
故事的尾巴 他說已賺到足夠的吻

迷信會改變世間野孩子 有哪位可以

為高興接過玫瑰 女孩敗了給太天真
花吃掉了的人 誰有興趣追問
或者會看透幻覺 美滿亦有一抹裂痕
甜蜜最易傷害人 能否忍得到吸引
你若收到花 他說有甚麼需要應允

蔡依林 妥協

你 總愛編織謊言我 負責配合表演所有改變 只為了進入你的世界這情節 重複了一百遍才發現 是你的心太野 你 劃定楚河漢界我 不能輕易犯規所有時間 都是先給了你優先權不自覺 愛到不敢冒險成了你的傀儡一年兩年才看見我有多狼狽 愛到妥協 到頭來還是無解綁著你不讓你飛歷史不斷重演 我好累愛到妥協 也無法將故事再重寫你已下最後通牒我躲在我的世界 你 劃定楚河漢界我 不能輕易犯規所有時間 都是先給了你優先權不自覺 愛到不敢冒險成了你的傀儡一年兩年才看見我有多狼狽 愛到妥協 到頭來還是無解綁著你不讓你飛歷史不斷重演 我好累愛到妥協 也無法將故事再重寫你已下最後通牒我躲在我的世界 你只是害怕一個人睡我不想再為你掉淚我了解 不會變 不再徘徊開始自己的明天 愛到妥協 到頭來還是無解綁著你不讓你飛歷史不斷重演 我好累愛到妥協 也無法將故事再重寫你已下最後通牒我躲在我的世界

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3 New Thing Added in my life

the 3 thing

Udo at Sushi Groove

I hope i know what she did at my bed

No one really see the correct way

Li Shan look like teacher??
Nemo look nice..

Did i look adorable??haha

This is Cool-Capture by ewen.

I been having a full schedule last few week.Going for audition,preparation for it,working,shopaholic attitude,money burn queen,friend garthering, food hunting, and night panda eye Queen.. It did it all. = ="'
Sound so terrible until i miss out my sleep hour for many days.

Wondering when all da moody thing will diappear in my life for a moment..

Recently i turn to be very emotion. but i didnt show it to others just keep it my own.Maybe too stress of everything? loneliness? need pamper? emptiness? pointless? need guideliness? need pushing by dream? arkz.. Damn it..

Connecting with ken recently,Well, i admit i lost contact wth him since graduate from secondary school,too busy to focus on new life after graduate & brought me away from many old friend.BUT i will meet him once he back to M'sia,i try my best to appear and show up while not disappear again.

Connecting with him refreshing me about his friend.Sincerely, We didnt meet again after break up.What a long time ago.That was Old Granny Story.Wondering how's he now? Player still? Enjoying life with pretty ladies? Har.. Why Should i concern more right? Ppl who being abandon shouldn't think much.But i still the one who think alot without knowing why.

Heading my plan now,while looking actively for possition in kl/selangor,No out of plan,i be around there in the July onward/ or early.

And one thing,NO!! iS 3thing.. haha i added some item in my life.Here,As following..
-I got added 3 new thing updated in my life.

1)My friend brought me a cigarette from langkawi,like it much-thanks yor my lovely friend, i started collecting cigarette..==

2)The Dewar's - I & Gang Didnt Finish at Obque- So i brought it home at last.

3)The RIng- i & Mate brought during our meet.

Here, I upload those picture i snap during the gathering..